CID1 vs. CID2 vs. Non-Rated Areas
Class I Division 1 (CID1) Vs. Class I Division 2 (CID2) Vs. Non-Rated
CID1 and CID2 are considered hazardous areas where explosion or fire hazards exist because of flammable gases, vapors, or liquids that are part of the business operation. Under the National Fire Protection Association’s Publication 70 (NEC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines the difference between CID1 and CID2 locations is how the gases or vapors are contained or used.
In a CID1 location (highest risk), ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors may exist under normal operating conditions, or because of repair, maintenance, or a leak. They also may exist because of a breakdown, or faulty operation may release ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors.
In a CID2 location (moderate risk), volatile flammable liquids or gases are used but are normally confined in closed containers or closed systems. It also may be a place where ignitable concentrations of gases or vapors are prevented with positive mechanical ventilation. They only escape in the event of an accident or breakdown. Or a CID2 location may be next to a CID1 location, and the ignitable concentrations of gases or vapors might be occasionally present unless prevented with adequate positive-pressure ventilation with effective safeguards against ventilation failure.
In Unclassified locations (no risk), also known as non-hazardous or ordinary locations, these locations are determined to be neither CID1 or CID2 or any combination thereof. These are designated as a very low risk of causing an explosion. Unclassified locations on chemical and other plants are present where it is absolutely certain that the hazardous gas is diluted to a concentration below 25% of its lower flammability limit (or lower explosive limit (LEL).
Locating Your Equipment Within the EXLab
Before purchasing your equipment or placing it inside the EXLab you should ensure that the equipment rating is suitable for use within its intended space. It many cases choosing the correctly rated piece of equipment can save you thousands of dollars. CID1 & CID2 ratings are typically accompanied by a significant cost increase.
CID1 Rated Equipment
- Typically, must be placed within the CID1 area if it contains undiluted concentrations of solvent or has solvent passing through it. Refer to the manufacturer and your local Fire Marshal for guidance.
- If solvent passes through the equipment it likely carries a CID1 rating so it can be kept close to other pieces of equipment that must be located in the CID1 area.
- Only CID1 rated equipment can be placed inside the CID1 area.
CID2 Rated Equipment
- Typically, must be placed within the CID2 area if it contains concentrated solvent or has solvent passing through it. Refer to the manufacturer and your local Fire Marshal for guidance.
- If no solvent passes through the equipment it likely carries a CID2 rating so it can be kept close to other pieces of equipment that must be located in the CID2 area.
- Equipment not rated at least CID2 cannot be placed inside the CID2 area.
- CID1 rated equipment can be placed in the CID2 area unless it is required to be in a CID1 area.
Unrated Equipment
- Cannot be placed in the CID1 or CID2 rated areas.
- If a specific piece of equipment does not carry solvent and can be placed outside the CID1 or CID2 areas it will garner a significant cost savings.
- Placing an unrated piece of equipment in the hazardous CID1 or CID2 area poses a significant danger. The vast majority of fires or explosions inside an extraction lab are caused by an unrated piece of aftermarket equipment.
Following Safety Codes & Equipment SOPs
It’s absolutely imperative that the dangers posed by volatile and flammable solvents is taken very seriously. In everyday use, under normal circumstances, the risk posed by these substances in a properly designed laboratory environment is minimal. However, when personnel are careless, extraction equipment malfunctions, is used improperly, or in the wrong environment, the situation can become deadly. The Building & Fire Codes are in place to protect persons from injury or death and prevent property loss. Though it can be stressful and seemingly oppressive at times, please remember that the building officials and Fire Marshals enforcing these codes and SOPs are trying to protect you, your employees, and your property to the best of their ability.

EXLab Solo
Compliant and versatile, the C1D1 WT is perfect for a large-scale operation.

A clean room environment combined with safety features to limit exposure to CO2.
Which EXLab Is Right For You?
Each of our EXLabs can be setup to accommodate multiple workstations and technicians. However, your preferred extraction method will determine which model you will need. All four models come in four sizes to fit your space and operation.
Norseman’s C1D1 and CO2 extraction labs are not only the safest portable units available today, but have also withstood the test of time for compliance and regulations.
Furthermore, EXLabs are delivered fully assembled and ready to go. There is very little work to be done to connect it to your infrastructure.