The CO2 EXLab Design Concept
Hazardous processes, such as those used in CO2 extraction require an environment suitable for hazardous gases. A CO2 EXLab Extraction Lab provides an environment designed for the constant presence of harmful gasses. Failure to provide a safe space for these processes will result in catastrophic disasters.
The ventilation system has been designed to create a comfortable & safe work area by providing enough fresh air circulation to cycle-out any CO2 that might accidentally be released inside the room, while maintaining room temperature.

Gas Detection
A fixed gas detector has been installed that will monitor the CO2 levels and notify occupants in the event of a gas release. Norseman has designed our EXLabs to maintain CO2 ppm levels well below the safe levels defined by OSHA. Once gas levels reach our lower set-point a visual indicator on the gas detector will be illuminated and a strobe will begin to flash inside the unit, so action can be taken to remedy the situation. If the gas levels continue to rise an alarm will sound and the receptacles powering the extraction equipment will be powered down. Once the gas has been cleared the strobe and alarm will cease.
All of the electrical equipment installed inside the module is UL listed; including, but not limited to: the lights, receptacles, switches, and gas detector.
There is a single enclosure with a disconnect switch on the exterior of the module where the main power is connected. All wiring inside the module will be completed up to this enclosure, but any remotely located devices will need to be wired separately.

Fire Suppression
If you’ve opted to have our fire suppression system supplied, one or more dry chemical suppressant units will need to be installed on the module ceiling. These units are individually heat initiated and come ready for use from the manufacturer. The pressurized bottles are considered a hazardous load and will be shipped directly to your site for field installation to the factory installed mounting hardware in the EXLab.
We have also made accommodations in our design for an existing or new water sprinkler system to be piped into the module. The EXLab can also accommodate multiple other modular sprinkler systems as well.
Additional Systems
The EXLab’s control system has the ability to signal other devices such as flow valves for your solvent system and alarm panels, but Norseman does not currently cover these items in our standard scope. If you will be connecting to any ancillary systems please let Norseman know, so we can help facilitate a seamless integration and provide you with the appropriate support.

EXLab Solo
Compliant and versatile, the C1D1 WT is perfect for a large-scale operation.

A clean room environment combined with safety features to limit exposure to CO2.
Which EXLab Is Right For You?
Each of our EXLabs can be setup to accommodate multiple workstations and technicians. However, your preferred extraction method will determine which model you will need. All four models come in four sizes to fit your space and operation.
Norseman’s C1D1 and CO2 extraction labs are not only the safest portable units available today, but have also withstood the test of time for compliance and regulations.
Furthermore, EXLabs are delivered fully assembled and ready to go. There is very little work to be done to connect it to your infrastructure.